Wednesday, January 29, 2020

Input and Output Report Essay Example for Free

Input and Output Report Essay Field Names Customer ID (the unique reference number given to any customer that has travelled with First Travel) Customer_ ID Title (the title of the customer e.g. Mr, Mrs etc. I have done this in a drop down menu so that no other text can be given) Title Customer First Name (the first name of the customer) First_ Name Customer Last Name (the last name of the customer) Last_ Name Billing Address (the house number and street of the customer) Address City (the city/town in which the customer lives) City Post Code (the post code of the customer-I have inserted an input mask which ,means only six characters can be entered in with 3 digits and three letters) Postal_Code Email Address (the email address of the customer) Email _Address Holiday Reference(the holiday reference number is given to those customers that are travelling) Holiday _ Ref Destination (the arrival airport of the customer, it will be given as a three letter code) Arrival_ Airport Hotel (the hotel the customer is staying at) Hotel Payment Made (this field will be added in Excel) N/A Total Amount (this field will be added in Excel) N/A Outstanding Payment(this field will be added in Excel) N/A Design and creation of Database Spreadsheet 3.1 Data Capture Form for Invoice 3.2 Data Capture Form for E-Ticket Data Captured Field Names Customer ID (the unique reference number given to any customer that has travelled with First Travel) Customer_ ID Title (the title of the customer e.g. Mr, Mrs etc. I have done this in a drop down menu so that no other text can be given) Title Customer First Name (the first name of the customer) First_ Name Customer Last Name (the last name of the customer) Last_ Name Billing Address (the house number and street of the customer) Address City (the city/town in which the customer lives) City Post Code (the post code of the customer-I have inserted an input mask which ,means only six characters can be entered in with 3 digits and three letters) Postal_Code Email Address (the email address of the customer) Email _Address Holiday Reference(the holiday reference number is given to those customers that are travelling) Holiday _ Ref Departure Airport (the departure airport of the customer, it will be given as a three letter code) Departure _ Airport Arrival Airport (the arrival airport of the customer, it will be given as a three letter code) Arrival_ Airport Flight Time (Outbound) FTO Flight Time (Inbound) FTI Hotel (the hotel the customer is staying at) Hotel 3.3 Unique Excel Additions Unique Excel Additions Descriptions Formula MIN The MIN function finds the minimum value in any range. I my case it finds the holiday with lowest price. =MIN(RANGE) MAX The MAX function finds the maximum value in any range. I my case it finds the holiday with highest price. =MAX(RANGE) AVERAGE The AVERAGE function finds the average value in any range. I my case it finds the average price of a holiday. =AVERAGE(RANGE) ABOSOLUTE CELL REFRENCING (ABR) ABR uses a fixed cell to link to, so the formula can be replicated over a range. In my case I used it to find the insurance and VAT prices. =(CELL)*$(letter of cell)$(number of cell)

Tuesday, January 21, 2020

Jane Addams Essay -- Biography Biographies essays research papers

The late 1800s was a time when many immigrants were coming to America, social classes were being distinguished, and a great deal of prejudice was sweeping over the United States. The upper and middle classes had extreme advantages over the lower class, which consisted of a large number of immigrants. These lower class individuals were looked down upon by the prestigious upper class, who were brought up with the best of everything for their time period. Despite her family’s honorable place in society, one woman rose above the gap between the classes in order to help individuals, who were less fortunate than she. Her name was Jane Addams and this paper will focus on her life-long contributions to help the poor.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Jane Addams was born on September 6, 1860, in Illinois. Her mother died when she was only three years old leaving her with only a father and 8 siblings. Her father became her backbone of her life and was responsible for her learning of the harsh conditions that many less fortunate people were forced to live with. He was the first thing that made her want to help others. â€Å"She was devoted to and profoundly influenced by her father, an idealist and philanthropist of Quaker tendencies and a state senator of Illinois for16 years† (Gale 54).   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Her determination was seen early in her life. Even though many women were advised not to go to college because they were meant for marriage and not education, at the age of 17, Addams enrolled into a woman college called Rockford Seminary. â€Å"During her 4 years at Rockford, she took courses in German, Latin, Greek, history, literature, algebra, and trigonometry. She also studied science-geology, chemistry, mineralogy, and astronomy-as well as music, philosophy and Bible history† ( Kittredge 34). On top of taking these difficult courses, she scored nearly perfect in almost every class.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Knowing that her goal in life was to benefit others in some form or another, after graduating from Rockford, she went to the Women’s Medical College of Philadelphia. Unfortunately, her stay in this college was short-lived because depression and a back surgery caused her to drop out.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Besides being educated in academics, she wanted to learn about people†¦all types of people. She did this by traveling abroad in Europe for a few years. While in London, she came across a settlement house called Toynbee. Here, she was impress... ...obel Peace Prize. â€Å"Now 71 years old, she had at last received official recognition for her tireless efforts on behalf of peace† (Kittredge 99). Addams was the second woman to receive the Nobel Peace Prize, however she was not able to accept it in person because she was in the hospital awaiting lung surgery. With her earnings for this honor she divided the money between Hull House and The International League for Peace. On May 21, 1935, cancer consumed the life of Jane Addams. Many were greatly grieved by the loss. â€Å"At Hull House where Addams’s body lay in state a stream of neighbors, friends, and admirers filed past her casket at a rate of 2000 per hour† (Kittredge 105). This showed how powerful this woman was to the lives of many in the American Society. In conclusion, this woman was a pioneer to the wealthy all over the world. Her message was to reach out and help someone who is in need of your help. Although this happened decades ago, the message is still clear in the world today. Many of us should look at the life of this woman and see how we could apply it to everyday life. If everyone exerted as much compassion as this woman did than the world would be a much better place.

Monday, January 13, 2020

Killing a whole family Essay

Rodolfo again faces Eddie’s angry side, which asks him to get out of his house. But Rodolfo has nothing to do with him and is more concerned of the arrival of Marco, which could lead to sparks flying between his brother and Eddie. He calls out to Catherine to leave now, while Beatrice suggests to Eddie to leave the house and go somewhere else. But Eddie refuses to move as this was his house, and now Beatrice is totally fed up with his behaviour and asks him that why he hates Marco now. Eddie refers to the time when Marco called him a rat and claimed that he had killed his children, which he says caused such hatred. Now Rodolfo tries to make things better by apologizing from his brother’s behalf and he takes all the troubles and brings up the comradeship. But Eddie still sticks with his claim that Marco stole his name and asks Rodolfo to tell him to give it back in front of the whole neighbourhood. Eddie feels that this explanation isn’t enough, now Beatrice can no longer hold the truth. She knows what Eddie wants, and in front of everyone and the arriving Marco, she says †you can never have her. † Beatrice asks Eddie to bid farewell to his niece forever, and that †truth is not as bad as blood. † Catherine is shocked, Eddie I horrified and †[clenching his fists]† he denies having such thoughts and asks Beatrice what made her think like that. Marco now calls out for Eddie and Eddie’s attention is diverted as he steps out of the apartment to challenge Marco. Rodolfo pleads them to stop and tells Eddie that he would be killing a whole family. But nothing can stop Eddie now and he has a murderous look and with a bit of fake laugher puts forward things that they have done wrong. He says that he knows that Marco feels that what h did wasn’t right and should apologize for taking his name away and accusing him for killing his children despite the fact that he put his roof over them and food in their mouths. He further provokes Marco by repeatedly calling him a liar and then they get physical as Eddie lunges at Marco. Marco strikes him in the neck and calls him a animal. Eddie goes down and when it seems Marco has full control of the situation, Eddie brings out a knife. Louis tries to stop Eddie, but Eddie is totally out of control and he lunges with his knife at Marco, who with a final cry of †Anima-a-a-l!  Ã¢â‚¬  grabs his arm and presses the blade into Eddie. Mike and Louis separate the pair, but time has run out for Eddie whose words to Beatrice were his last ever. Beatrice covers Eddie while people around are praying, lights shine on Alfieri who is in the crowd. So as the play has progressed, this dominant and generous hero of the play is made to seem like a selfish and rude villain, who’s immense love, narrow minded nature and feelings of insecurity have led to him falling into his own trap of death. I do indeed think that Eddie was responsible for his own death, and it was bound to happen as soon as he had made the phone call which in my view was the hubris, the point of no return. But just like Alfieri, the audience does tend to feel sorry for this hard-working man, who despite having displayed his generosity, his life had to end in this manner. His selfishness and his flaw, which was his immense love, ate him up, and he was always very stubborn to his decisions and never took advice from either Alfieri or Beatrice. His deterioration was clear and could be monitored as he first felt honoured to welcome the Italian brothers, then when they he entered he asked them when they would leave and towards the end asked them to get out of their house. When Alfieri says at the end of the play, †And yet it is better to settle for half†, he is trying to send a message that despite the fact that Eddie displayed honest emotions through out, he still never compromised with everyone because of his narrow-minded beliefs and that eventually cost him his life.

Saturday, January 4, 2020

Discrimination Exposed in I Want to Buy a Vowel by John...

What is the American dream? For everyone, it is different. The old lady walking across the street may dream of getting a new house. The rich man with a big house might dream that he will find a true love. For the Chinese child at school, maybe it is just to fit in with society. There are many things holding people back from their dreams, such as family, age, or culture, their general lifestyle. This story is about an immigrant looking to achieve his dream, but is held back for many reasons. Also, a white man looking to terrorize a town has the dream of being powerful. In his novel, I Want to Buy a Vowel, John Welter demonstrates that the road to the American dream is paved differently for people due to†¦show more content†¦This is what he expected to happen to him instantly as he came to America, to receive a house and a car, and money. He finds an abandoned house in the woods and decides to live there. There is nothing in it, so he tries to imagine a happy family who used to live there - two parents, and maybe three of four children, with nice furniture and beds and curtains on the windows and good meals cooked every day in the kitchen. (80). He is very disappointed that it wasnt what had happened to him, because his dream is to be the stereotypical American. For Kenlow Schindler, a white man born a citizen of the United States, life is easy and that easiness makes it boring. He decides to vandalize a barn to spice up his life and become a criminal. He draws a pentagram on the ground in the barn,and within two days the whole town is paranoid that Satan is coming. Kenlow, however, doesnt want to get his hands dirty, and puts Vienna Sausages in the middle of another pentagram to pretend it was a satanic ritual that had taken place. That was the value of grocery stores, someone kills the animal and packages it for you ( ). He doesnt have to do very much to do to pretend to be a satanist, he simply goes to the grocery store and buys uncooked meat, and people think it is Satans work. Alfredo dreams to have